paragraph موضوع عن اليوم النموذجي لغة انجليزية للصف التاسع الفصل الاول
My perfect day would begin with me waking up next to my family at ten in the morning at our new house in Egypt . After enjoying a nice long hot shower early in the morning, all of my family would enjoy an Egyptian breakfast together. Then we would all go to visit my mum’s family, we would get to spend lovely time with all of my cousins. Then we get some lunch together and drive to our farmlands and play some games . Once the game ends, we take all of my family out to a wonderful dinner. After dinner the whole group would go out to enjoy watching a film at the cinema .
The weather for my perfect day would bright and sunny. There would be a cool breeze around us keeping us comfortable under the warm sun. In my perfect day, I wouldn’t have to worry about doing homework or my exams . Everyone around me would be happy and joyful. Everyone would have all of their needs met and would enjoy their life . My perfect day would be spent enjoying time with my family and friends. We would take care of each other and be happy.
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