
مراجعة درس الثورات الحضارية في العالم اجتماعيات للصف السادس الفصل الاول

مراجعة درس الثورات الحضارية في العالم اجتماعيات للصف السادس الفصل الاول

نموذج الاجابة 

سجل اعجابك ليصلك الجديد


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بحث باللغة الانجليزية عن العادات والتقاليد الجزائرية في الماضي والحاضر

بحث باللغة الانجليزية عن العادات والتقاليد الجزائرية في الماضي والحاضر

بحث حول اللباس التقليدي الجزائري بالانجليزية

El Barnous El Barnous was introduced with the advent of Islam. Piece of wool,
usually dark, he was also well known that Arab Berbers. Of
Rural single garment, it will become a ceremonial dress. Other (lotfi Hakimi) say
the bunting was not introduced to the advent of Islam. This is a clothing part
integral Berber original costume. Is not Ibn Kahldoun saying El Amazigh Awil
Barba, haliqy rrou'ous, labisy el birnous, akily el kouskous (Amazigh or Berber, have
the Cane shaven, wearing bathrobe and couscous eaters).
May this same word, burnous, of ABRNUS Berber, Arabized El BIRNOUS, give his name to
Pyrenees El Baranis. Indeed, the arrival of Muslim parties soldiers to conquer
Europe, the sight of these capped mountains, draped in a mantle of snow made them think
bunting of our ancestors, hence the current name.

 El Futa: Women use it mainly to cover her legs. Some say that
its origins date back to the times of the Phoenicians. Silk scarf, usually worn on the
seroual with a belt "Lamhezma". Today, El Futa was mainly driven
in Steam

 El Haïk: blend of silk and wool, symbol of modesty, El Haïk in the appearance of a dress
long that covers the woman in its entirety through the shoulders and fastened at the waist by the
the elastic seroual. Part of the Haik covers the hair. Formerly, it allowed the
bourgeois to stand out, also served as protection against the evil eye, he hid
the female figure and her jewelry. During the French colonization, he played a very
big role in the struggle of Algerian women; they hid weapons under the Haik,
defying oppression of the French army.

 El Hammam: Equivalent of the Moor Bath, place of relaxation and meeting, El Hammam is
while an Art! Tools needed: el Kassa (a rough glove) el fouta, plastic sandals,
towels, e'tassa. Women usually make it after 10 am until
the end of the afternoon. Men early in the morning or at night. After having sweat well, we
rub the skin with el kessa to get rid of dead cells, you can also rent
the services of a kiyasse or kiyassa that we not only rubs, but we
Massage offers a unique in its kind. After that, we leave the main room to another
cooler to resume spirits and wash thoroughly.

 El Henna: [Lawsonia Inernis] plant that can reach a height of over 6 meters
with flowers of colors pink and white, known more among Arabs, like indie and
African. Used as a beauty product or as a natural dye. In powder form,
liquid or dye for hair, El Henna is now known throughout the world
around with the advent of the phenomenon Tattoo among Western youth. Also plant
drug, El Henna has anti-hemorrhagic, anti-cancer and anti-
inflammatory. Lawsonia Inernis.

 El Koheul: Used more by women for its aesthetic and mystical side, El Koheul
(Antimony sulfide) is known in all Arab peoples. Its use, according to some
writing was recommended by some Arab physicians for its anti-inflammatory property. Of
Today, women use to dye the edge of their eyelids intensifying the
depth of their eyes.

 G'nidra: Small gandoura small shirt.

 H'zam: Large white tape used to hold the pants (seroual).

 Karakou [Algiers], traditional costume worn by women, developed in fabrics with
son of gold and silver [fetla & medjboud].
 Maharma: scarf type, multicolor, styling the ladies.

The chorba: it is the traditional Algerian soup, served at the very beginning of meal. It is made from mutton, vegetables, tomatoes, spices and noodles hand-rolled (or wheat grains in the frik chorba). We usually add a few drops of lemon juice.
- Harira: the cousin chorba. Although Moroccan, the Harira crossed the border and is consumed in many cities in western countries, especially in Tlemcen. It is thickened with sourdough and rice or chickpeas are added.
- Bricks: leaves folded in square or triangle. An egg and a mashed potato are added.
- The boureks: they are rolls stuffed bricks leaves with a preparation of minced meat, spinach, etc.
- Salads: Algerian gastronomy counts a lot! Among the best known, grilled peppers salad (drizzled with olive oil and sprinkled with garlic and parsley), potato salad with onions, carrot slices salad with hot sauce ... Algerians are also used to pour on their salad a few drops of olive oil from Kabylie, the most famous in the country.
The dishes
- Couscous: a real national dish, there are a thousand and one ways to prepare it. To each his recipe. Depending on the region, we will serve you with mutton or chicken, turnips, zucchini, beans, etc. Once on the plate, sprinkle the semolina with a spicy broth and sprinkle with black pepper. Its tasting is usually accompanied by a large glass of fresh curd. Couscous is sometimes kind (masfouf) only enhanced with raisins, sugar and cinnamon.
- The chakchouka: sort of vegetable ratatouille of eastern Algeria, tomato and cooked peppers.
- The Algerian rechta: small semolina noodles served with chicken, turnips and chickpeas. One of the most famous dishes of the capital!
- The pastilla: of Moroccan origin, the pastilla (cake of puff pastry with almonds and stuffed with chicken meat or pigeon) is also cooked in Algeria. The preparation remains more or less the same on both sides of the border.
- The tajines: they are certainly less widespread than in Morocco, but the Algerians are however fond of tajine with prunes and leg of mutton. Very sweet, it is accompanied by roasted almonds, raisins, a few drops of orange blossom and sometimes small slices of apples. Its syrup, very sweet, makes it an ideal dish for the purpose of meals.
- The méchoui: it is a whole lamb that is roasted on the spit. Excellent and very appreciated. Unfortunately, it is only prepared on special occasions (weddings, births, circumcisions).

- Fish: With 1,200 km of coastline, Algeria must be able to satisfy all lovers of fish and seafood. Apart from sardines, cooked in fried donuts, Algerian families consume quite a bit of fish (because much more expensive as chicken or mutton meat). You will be advised, however, some good tables near the small fishing ports along the coast.

بحث عن مدينة بجاية 


Talk about heritage became something not mentioned in the present day, because of a civilization that touched every aspect of our daily life and at all levels, especially the cultural level and turning traditional food and become our society is controlled by the entertainment, technology and fashion , but all this does not mean that we take in talking about Algerian roads are now and how? So we decided to give the idea of ​​a simplified Bejaia. 

I / - clothes in Bejaia 

Changed the culture and high fashion clothes young people, and this is what we are forced to consider it, and how it has evolved in recent times? and What will be in the future?

* in the past: 

Algerian ancient civilization and it is not known today 
The young and old clothes, the same clothes, and whether 
Alakechbi, and Albernos as prevailing at that time. 

As for the women in that period of the famous clothes: silk dress. Alhayek, as well as for the bride Albernos 

2 at the present time: 
Did not leave us something called cultural heritage, they have become slaves to fashion and can not be found traditional clothing and became a merger with modern styles such as hip-hop, rock, classical, and other sportswear. 

In the future 

Can not offer a look at them and expect a continuation in the evolution of fashion, in short I expect that the clothes will be worse in the future than the current time. 

Eating in Bejaia: 

1 / in the past: 

A variety of dishes Including 
* Dish Tcirbeben Alasban * 
It is the main dish in Bejaia, where he is attending the second day of Eid al-Adha. 
and Barcox and bread wheat, barley and couscous. 

At the present time: 
Overcome eating junk food and snacks to traditional cuisine, and became everyone's ready to eat outside of the home, We are now rarely see the traditional *****ng at home 

In the future: 

I expect the lack of kitchen permanently, if they keep up with civilization make us forget our traditions and customs 

3 / - Entertainment in Bejaia 

/ - In the past 

They were away from the entertainment, But even if they were not ready to enter in the field of entertainment, But their job is entertainment in itself 

2 / - for the time being: 
Now available Entertainment and everyone became Exercised permanently, especially young people. And became available to the terms of convenience, including online games in addition to multi-gyms. 

3 / in the future 

I can not predict the future condition because it would be like any other traces of civilization, 
It was also noted that young people are interested in Bejaia is currently a lot of entertainment, and so the situation will be worse than it is today of entertainment. 


* we can not deny the gravity of the situation that we have to keep up with the Western world away, but we must put hand in hand to for preserving Heritage of our ancestors and to stay away from blind imitation


lifestyles in algeria

بحث عن ولاية سطيف

Setif is an Algerian state in eastern Algeria, with the same name as its capital: the city of Setif. Setif word, the black soil in Romanian. Located about 300 kilo meters east of Algiers, and is considered one of the most important cities, it is the second mandate after mandate of Algeria in terms of population density, and so often in the Algerian capital of the highlands. Excellent ******** on the hills and mountains Mgers Babur made Al sahbi continental climate, with the flourishing of a growing wheat, barley, vegetables and citrus, has said it appointed Zadeh Dam which is one of the large dams in Algeria could irrigate large areas. Setif evolved in recent years by leaps and bounds as the economic center and a large trade, reflected in the establishment of several industrial and commercial, and flourished the traditional crafts and services and the arts. In addition to that they have two major universities, it also contains many of the institutes and centers of scientific and technological. Considered among the cities of Setif, Algeria, which is characterized by dynamic economic and cultural I keep in Algeria, no doubt it is the crossroads of all the Algerian authorities, the economic and tourist crossing irreplaceable.

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بحث عن العادات والتقاليد الجزائرية الاكل التقليدي

Traditional Algerian cuisine, a colorful combination of Berber, Turkish, French, and Arab tastes, can be either extremely mild or packed with flavorful seasonings. Ginger, saffron, onion, garlic, coriander, cumin, cinnamon, parsley, and mint are essential in any Algerian pantry. 
Couscous , the national dish, is often mistaken as a grain itself, rather than pasta. The pasta dough is a mixture of water and coarse, grainy semolina wheat particles. The dough is then crumbled through a sieve to create tiny pellets. Algerians prefer lamb, chicken, or fish to be placed on a bed of warm couscous, along with *****d vegetables such as carrots, chickpeas, and tomatoes, and spicy stews. Couscous can also be used in desserts by adding a variety of ingredients, such as cinnamon, nutmeg, dates, and figs. 
No Algerian meal would be complete without bread, normally a long, French loaf. Similar to Middle Eastern customs, bread is often used to scoop food off of a plate or to soak up a spicy sauce or stew. More traditional Berber families usually eat flat, wheat bread. 
Mechoui , a roasted whole lamb *****d on an outdoor spit, is usually prepared when a large group of people gathers together. The animal is seasoned with herb butter so the skin is crispy and the meat inside is tender and juicy. Bread and various dried fruits and vegetables, including dates (whose trees can thrive in the country's Sahara desert), often accompany mechoui 
Beverages such as mint tea are a favorite among all North African countries. Tea is usually offered to visiting guests, though coffee flavored with cardamom is another option. With the abundance of fruits year round, fresh juices are plentiful and children tend to favor apricot nectar. Sharbats , fruit or nut-flavored milk drinks, are popular with all ages, including sahlab , a sweet, milky drink. Traditional Berbers, in particular, prefer drinks made from goat milk, although cow milk is now available. Basbousa (Egyptian semolina cake), tamina (roasted semolina with butter and honey), and sweetened couscous are just a few sweets enjoyed by the Algerians. 

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اختبار قصير درس نزول الوحي تربية اسلامية للصف الثالث الفصل الدراسي الاول

سجل اعجابك ليصلك الجديد


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مراجعة شاملة لمادة العلوم للصف الخامس الفصل الدراسي الاول

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