أوراق عمل نواقض الوضوء الصف الثاني الفصل الدراسي الاول

أوراق عمل نواقض الوضوء الصف الثاني الفصل الدراسي الاول

للمزيد من المواضيع الخاصة بالصف الثاني لباقي المواد تفضل بزيارة الرابط

الصف الثاني 

للتحضير الجيد والاستعداد للامتحانات تفضل بزيارة اقسام المدونة من الصف الاول الى الصف الثاني عشر

للانضمام الى المجموعات على الفايسبوك 
سجل اعجابك ليصلك الجديد


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ورقة عمل الحيوانات واعضائها علوم الصف الثالث الفصل الدراسي الاول2018-2019

ورقة عمل الحيوانات واعضائها علوم الصف الثالث الفصل الدراسي الاول

التحميل من هنا 

للمزيد من المواضيع الخاصة بالصف الثالث لباقي المواد تفضل بزيارة الرابط 

للتحضير الجيد والاستعداد للامتحانات تفضل بزيارة اقسام المدونة من الصف الاول الى الصف الثاني عشر

للانضمام الى المجموعات على الفايسبوك 
سجل اعجابك ليصلك الجديد


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النموذج التدريبى الأول لمادة اللغة الانجليزية الصف السادس الفصل الأول

First-Term Final Mock Exam (1)
Reading (1)
Read the text below and answer the following questions.
I am Mohamed. I am Emirati. I am in grade six. When I grow up, I want to be a pilot because I love planes. My dad says that you have to be good at maths and science to be a pilot. That’s OK because I’m quite good at Science but I’m better at Maths.
I have been on a plane twice now and I really love flying. I’m
braver than my dad though. He can’t stand heights and hated it
when the plane took off and landed. For me, it was the opposite.
I didn’t mind at all! I prefer flying to any other way of travelling.
I remember the first time I saw a plane, I looked at it in
amazement. I was only four years old and I thought it was
a metal bird flying in the sky. And I remember the feeling of
excitement the first time I went to an airport and saw the planes
close up – they were so huge and powerful and I couldn’t wait to get in one!

Part 1: (1-5) Choose the correct answer.
1. What is the best title for this text?
A. My first visit to the airport B. My favorite toy
C. My favorite future job D. My favorite subjects
2. Why does Mohamed want to be a pilot?
Because ______________________ .
A. he loves making plane toys B. his father is a pilot
C. he likes visiting the airport D. he loves planes
3. How often has Mohamed been on a plane?
A. only once B. twice
C. four times D. three times
4. How did Mohamed feel when he first went to the airport?
A. bored B. excited
C. interested D. afraid
5 What subject are necessary for being a pilot?
A. history and maths B. Arabic and English
C. math and science D. Social studies and English

Part 2
Questions (6-7) Read the text and choose a title for each paragraph. Write the letter of the title in the box. The first one is done for you. You can use each title only once. There is one heading you do not need. A Medicine From Rainforests
B Rainforest animal
C Looking after a pet
Example: A – Medicine From Rainforests
A lot of medicines we use are made from plants which grow in the rainforests. Medicines that can help cure skin diseases and heart diseases are just some of the hundreds of medicines made from rainforest plants.
6) ____________________________________
I clean out Cheek’s cage once a week. I clean the bottom with soap and water and I put down fresh bedding. Hamsters are clean animals. They organise an area in their cage for sleeping and another for their toilet area. They clean and groom themselves regularly too by licking their fur.
7) ____________________________________
The jaguar is the largest cat in the Americas. The jaguar has a compact body, a broad head and powerful jaws. Its coat is normally yellow and tan, but the color can vary from reddish brown to black. The spots on the coat are more solid and black on the head and neck and become larger rosette-shaped patterns along the side and back of the body.
Questions 8-10. Complete the table below by writing Birds, Pets or Weather.

8. _____________

9. _____________
10. ____________

Write a short paragraph about your favorite animal. Answer the questions below.
• Where does it live?
• How does it look like?
• What does it eat and drink?
Write 60–80 words.

للمزيد من المواضيع الخاصة بالصف السادس لباقي المواد تفضل بزيارة الرابط 

للتحضير الجيد والاستعداد للامتحانات تفضل بزيارة اقسام المدونة من الصف الاول الى الصف الثاني عشر

للانضمام الى المجموعات على الفايسبوك 
سجل اعجابك ليصلك الجديد


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برجرافات مادة اللغة الانجليزية الصف السابع الفصل الدراسي الأول

Favorite Clothes
My favorite clothes are jeans and T-shirts. I like them very much. T-shirts are made of cotton . They have nice colors. They are very comfortable .
Jeans are my favorite kinds of trousers. I like jeans because they are comfortable. They help me move and run easily. I wear jeans when I go to the park or go shopping.

Invitation to visit UAE
Hi Ali,
I am happy to write this letter to you. How are you? I hope you are ok.
I am writing to invite you to visit The UAE. The UAE is a beautiful country. Here You can see Burj Khalifa, the tallest building in the world. Also, you can see Dubai Mall, the biggest mall in the world. You can do many things here in Dubai. You can do shopping at anytime. There are a lot of nice things to buy. There are also some fun activities like skating, swimming and diving.
I am sure you will enjoy your visit to the UAE.
Best wishes,

Improve Your English
Hi Ali,
I am happy to write this letter to you. How are you? I hope you are ok.
I am writing to give you some advice on how to improve your English. First, you should study new words every day. Words are important for learning English. Second, you should read some English stories, articles and magazines. They will help you understand English. Third, it's important to speak with English people online. So you can say the words correctly.
Best wishes,

My school
My school is Ajman Private School. It is a very nice school. I like it because teachers are very helpful. There is a big playground in the school. We can play and run in the playground. The classes are very nice. They have bright colors. There are computers on our desks. We use computers to find information on the internet. There is a big library in the school. We read many books there.

Dubai & London
Dear mum and dad,
How are you? I hope you are ok, and in good health. I am writing to tell you about my visit to London. Here in London, there are many famous places I really enjoyed visiting. I visited many museums and theatres. Here in London, there are many shopping malls and centres where I found y items to buy. Here in London, there are lots of parks and museums. I have borrowed a bike so I can ride in the park with my cousins.
I enjoy my visit to London, but I really miss Dubai, because I miss seeing all my friends. At home, in the early mornings, we ride our bikes around the neighbourhood before it gets too hot, then we visit each other’s houses or go to the mall where it’s cool.
I am very excited about that, but I am
looking forward to going home in two weeks.
Loving son,

Greeting and Meeting
People in the UAE are very polite and respectful . They greet each other when they meet. There are different kinds of greetings in the UAE. Everyone says: "Al Salam Alikom". Most people shake hands when they meet each other. Some people hug each other. Most women kiss each on the cheek. When they want to leave , they say "Al Salam Alikom" or bye

Favorite Sport
My favorite sport is football . I play football on Friday . I play it with my friends in Ajman club.
My team is always better than the other team. We play really well. We score many goals. we win the match. We win the gold medal. our team is very great.

للمزيد من المواضيع الخاصة بالصف السابع لباقي المواد تفضل بزيارة الرابط 

للتحضير الجيد والاستعداد للامتحانات تفضل بزيارة اقسام المدونة من الصف الاول الى الصف الثاني عشر

للانضمام الى المجموعات على الفايسبوك 
سجل اعجابك ليصلك الجديد


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أسئلة تدريبية+ الحل درس ممالك الحياة علوم الصف الرابع الفصل الدراسي الاول

للمزيد من المواضيع الخاصة بالصف الرابع لباقي المواد تفضل بزيارة الرابط 

للتحضير الجيد والاستعداد للامتحانات تفضل بزيارة اقسام المدونة من الصف الاول الى الصف الثاني عشر

للانضمام الى المجموعات على الفايسبوك 
سجل اعجابك ليصلك الجديد


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ورقة عمل الاقدام الطائرة اللغة العربية الصف الثالث الفصل الدراسي الاول

ورقة عمل الاقدام الطائرة اللغة العربية الصف الثالث الفصل الدراسي الاول

للمزيد من المواضيع الخاصة بالصف الثالث لباقي المواد تفضل بزيارة الرابط 

للتحضير الجيد والاستعداد للامتحانات تفضل بزيارة اقسام المدونة من الصف الاول الى الصف الثاني عشر

للانضمام الى المجموعات على الفايسبوك 
سجل اعجابك ليصلك الجديد


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حل درس الزكاة في الاسلام الصف التاسع الفصل الدراسي الاول

للمزيد من المواضيع الخاصة بالصف التاسع لباقي المواد تفضل بزيارة الرابط 

للتحضير الجيد والاستعداد للامتحانات تفضل بزيارة اقسام المدونة من الصف الاول الى الصف الثاني عشر

للانضمام الى المجموعات على الفايسبوك 
سجل اعجابك ليصلك الجديد


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