Strangest scientific facts

 Our lungs are known to be the lightest of all organs in the body.

Turritopsis nutricula is a genus of jelly fish which is also regarded as the immortal jelly fish. This is because these species have the ability to transform back into juvenile form once they mate after becoming sexually mature.
- Turritopsis nutricula
 The planet Saturn has a density that is lower than that of water. So, if you could throw it in the ocean, it would actually float!

 Nothing can be quieter than space. Even if a star explodes, you would hear nothing. No air molecules, no vibration thus, no sound.

 Some chameleons have tongues which are longer than their body.

In a school of clown fish, if the female dies, then the dominant male would become a female to continue with the reproduction process.

 We all know that light takes 8 minutes to reach the earth. But the same light took a whopping time of 30,000 years to make it to the sun's surface from its core!

 Every year, falling coconuts are known to kill more people than sharks do.

 A boat made of Black Ironwood would never float on water. This wood is the world's densest of its kind and so it would sink.

 A blue whale's tongue is as heavy as an adult elephant and even bigger than a taxi cab.

 Buy an electric eel found in South America and reduce your electricity bills. This creature can produce 600 volts; voltage enough to paralyze a horse.

 Our worry for the ever diminishing oil and natural gas reserves on Earth could have been dealt with if only man could go to Titan, one of Saturn's moon. This place has 100 times more of such resources.

 It is known that the human body has 206 bones. But as babies we are born with about 300 of them. As we age, some of the bones fuse.

 67,000 miles per hour is the speed at which the Earth is traveling across the sun. And guess what? We are also moving at this speed.

 If you want to grow taller, say by 2 inches, have a trip into the space. As there is no gravity, the spine becomes free to elongate up to 2 inches. The same happens when we are sleeping, except that the spine stretches up to 1 or 2 cm.

 In ancient times, leeches were used as weather forecasters. When they were kept in water jars, they seemed to stay at the bottom during calm weather. It so happened that, when the storms approach, these creatures rose quickly to the top, and descend as the storms passed.

 Liver is the only organ which has the capability of regenerating itself.

 The planet Mercury has a day that is twice as long as its year.

 Pumice is the only known rock which can float on water.

 The Pyramid of Giza is the result of an accumulation of 2.5 million blocks.


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