جامعات التعليم الالكتروني في الإمارات العربية المتحدة
جامعات التعليم الالكتروني
على الطلاب الراغبين في استكمال دراساتهم الجامعية والعليا بأسلوب التعليم الإلكتروني من خلال إحدى الجامعات خارج الدولة، الحصول أولاً على موافقة الوزارة قبل الالتحاق بالدراسة، وذلك عن طريق طلب الإفادة عن مؤسسة تعليمية / برنامج دراسي
إسم الجامعة | العنوان | الفئة | |
1 | Harvard University | http://www.harvard.edu/ | |
2 | University of California Berkeley | http://berkeley.edu/index.html | |
3 | Cornell University | http://www.cornell.edu/ | |
4 | University of Minnesota | http://www1.umn.edu/twincities/index.html | |
5 | Universiy of Pennsylvania | http://www.upenn.edu/ | |
6 | University of Wisconsin Madison | http://www.wisc.edu/ | |
7 | University of illinois Urbana Champaign | http://illinois.edu/ | |
8 | Michigan State University | http://www.msu.edu/ | |
9 | Columbia University New York | http://www.columbia.edu/ | |
10 | University of Texas Austin | http://www.utexas.edu/ | |
11 | Yale University | http://www.yale.edu/ | |
12 | Pennsylvania State University | http://www.psu.edu/ | |
13 | Carnegie Mellon University | http://www.cmu.edu/index.shtml | |
14 | University of Florida | http://www.ufl.edu/ | |
15 | New York University | http://www.nyu.edu/ | |
16 | University of Washington | http://www.washington.edu/ | |
17 | University of Pittsburgh | http://pitt.edu/ | |
18 | University of Southern California | http://www.usc.edu/ | |
19 | University of North Carolina Chapel Hill | http://unc.edu/ | |
20 | North Carolina State University | http://www.ncsu.edu/ | |
21 | Texas A&M University | http://www.tamu.edu/ | |
22 | University of California San Diego | http://www.ucsd.edu/ | |
23 | Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University | http://colleges.findthebest.com/l/4434/Virginia-Polytechnic-Institute-and-State-University-VT | |
24 | University of Georgia | http://uga.edu/ | |
25 | Indiana University | http://www.indiana.edu/ | |
26 | Rutgers University | http://www.rutgers.edu/ | |
27 | University of Colorado Boulder | http://www.colorado.edu/ | |
28 | Johns Hopkins University | http://www.jhu.edu/ | |
29 | University of Maryland | http://www.umd.edu/ | |
30 | Northwestern University | http://www.northwestern.edu/ | |
32 | University of Utah | http://www.utah.edu/ | |
33 | Washington University Saint louis | http://www.wustl.edu/ | |
34 | University of California Irvine | http://uci.edu/ |